How to Sell Commercial Solar




In order to sell commercial solar, you will need to find businesses that are interested in reducing their energy costs. Once you have found interested businesses, you will need to provide them with a proposal that outlines the potential savings that they could realize by going solar. Your proposal should include information on the upfront cost of the system, the expected payback period, and the estimated lifetime savings.

You will also need to show how your system will generate enough electricity to offset the business’s current energy usage.

  • Research the commercial solar market in your area to find out what businesses are already using solar power and how much they are paying for it
  • This will give you an idea of what type of business would be a good fit for your products and services
  • Develop a marketing strategy that targets businesses that would benefit most from using solar power
  • This could include creating marketing materials, reaching out to potential customers through cold-calling or email campaigns, or attending trade shows and networking events
  • Once you have identified potential customers, reach out to them and set up appointments to discuss their energy needs and how your company’s products could benefit them
  • Be prepared to answer any questions they may have about solar power and its financial benefits
  • Close the sale by proposing a fair price for your products and services that meets the customer’s needs while also providing a good return on investment for your company
How to Sell Commercial Solar


How Do You Sell Solar Successfully?

In order to sell solar successfully, you need to understand what motivates people to go solar in the first place. The most common motivations are reducing energy costs, helping the environment or increasing independence from the grid. You also need to understand the different types of solar systems and how they work so that you can explain the benefits of each one convincingly.

Finally, it is important to have a solid marketing strategy that includes targeted advertising and word-of-mouth referrals.

How Hard is It to Sell Solar?

Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as a source of renewable energy. Homeowners and businesses are looking to solar to reduce their reliance on traditional forms of energy, such as coal and natural gas. Solar panels can be a great investment, but they’re not cheap.

The average cost of installing a residential solar panel system is around $30,000. That’s a lot of money for most people, so it’s no wonder that many are wondering how hard it is to sell solar. The good news is that selling solar isn’t nearly as difficult as it may seem at first blush.

In fact, there are a number of companies that specialize in helping people go solar. These companies will often provide you with everything you need to get started, including marketing materials and leads. They’ll also help you through the process of getting your customers signed up and installed.

The bottom line is that selling solar isn’t nearly as hard as it may seem at first glance. There are plenty of resources available to help you get started, and the potential rewards make it well worth your while.

Do Solar Salesmen Make Good Money?

Salesmen are the face of any company, they are the ones who go out and talk to potential customers about what the company has to offer. In order for a salesman to be successful, they need to be able to build rapport with their customer, understand their needs and then sell them the product or service that best meets those needs. A good salesman will also follow up with their customers after the sale has been made to ensure they are happy with their purchase.

Solar salesmen can make good money if they are working for a reputable company and are able to close deals. The average solar salesman makes between $50,000-$100,000 per year, with top earners making closer to $200,000. Solar salesmen typically receive a base salary plus commission on each deal they close.

The more experience a solar salesman has, the more likely they are to earn a higher income.

Can You Make Money Selling Solar Energy?

If you’re considering going into the solar business, you may be wondering if there’s money to be made. The answer is yes, but it depends on a few factors. The first thing you need to know is that the solar industry is growing rapidly.

In the United States alone, the solar market grew by 95% in 2016. This growth is expected to continue as more and more people and businesses become aware of the benefits of solar energy. So, how do you make money selling solar energy?

There are a few different ways: 1) Sell Solar Panels or Systems This is probably the most obvious way to make money in the solar industry.

You can either sell complete systems or just the panels themselves. If you go this route, you’ll need to find a reputable supplier who can provide quality products at a competitive price. You’ll also need to factor in installation costs and any applicable permits or fees.

Depending on your location, there may be rebates or other incentives available that can help offset some of these costs.

The 6 Steps in Selling Commercial Solar

Commercial Solar Sales Jobs

Solar sales jobs are on the rise as more and more businesses are looking to solar to power their operations. As a result, there is a growing demand for qualified solar sales professionals. If you’re considering a career in solar sales, here’s what you need to know.

The first step is to get educated about solar energy. You don’t need to be a scientist, but it helps to understand how solar works and the different types of systems available. This will give you a foundation to build upon as you begin your sales career.

Next, you’ll need to learn the ins and outs of the solar industry. This includes understanding the different types of incentives and financing options available to potential customers. It’s also important to be up-to-date on industry news and trends so that you can effectively communicate with prospects about why now is a good time to go solar.

Once you have a solid understanding of the industry, it’s time to start honing your sales skills. This means learning how to identify potential customers, assess their needs, and present them with customized solutions that address their specific goals. It takes hard work and dedication to succeed in solar sales, but the rewards can be great both professionally and personally.

Selling Solar Panels in Texas

In Texas, it’s easy to go solar. The state is known for its sunny days and lack of regulation, which makes it a great place to sell solar panels. There are no state laws or regulations that mandate the use of solar power, making it easy for companies to sell solar panels in Texas.

In addition, the state offers tax incentives for those who install solar panels on their homes or businesses. And because Texas is a large state with a growing population, there is a big market for solar panel sales. If you’re thinking about selling solar panels in Texas, there are a few things you should know.

First, research the market and find out what type of demand there is for solar panels in your area. Second, familiarize yourself with the process of installing solar panels and get all the necessary permits before starting your business. Finally, make sure you have a good marketing strategy in place to reach your target customers.

With a little preparation, selling solar panels in Texas can be a profitable venture.

Can You Sell Solar Power Back to the Grid in Texas

In Texas, you can sell your solar power back to the grid through a process called net metering. Net metering allows you to offset the cost of your electricity bill by selling your excess solar power back to the grid. In order to be eligible for net metering, you must have a renewable energy system that is connected to the electric grid.

Once your system is connected, you will need to provide proof of ownership and an interconnection agreement with your local utility company.

Commercial Solar Project Development

Commercial solar project development is a process that involves many different steps and players. The first step is to assess the site and determine if it has the potential to support a commercial solar project. If the answer is yes, then the next step is to develop a feasibility study which will help to identify any potential risks or challenges associated with the project.

Once the feasibility study is complete, it’s time to move onto developing a business plan and securing financing for the project. This can be done through private investors, government grants, or loans. After all of this is in place, construction can begin on the commercial solar project.

The benefits of commercial solar projects are many. They include reducing carbon emissions, generating renewable energy, creating jobs, and providing long-term economic benefits. When done right, commercial solar projects can be an important part of our transition to a clean energy future.


Overall, it seems that selling commercial solar is not terribly different from selling regular solar panels. The main difference appears to be in the price point and the fact that commercial solar panel arrays are usually much larger. As with any sales job, understanding your product and being able to articulate its benefits to potential customers is critical.

Additionally, building relationships with key stakeholders in the commercial solar industry can help you close deals and grow your business.

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