What is a Ported Chainsaw




What is a Ported Chainsaw

A ported chainsaw is a chainsaw that has been modified to include one or more exhaust ports. These ports allow the escape of exhaust gases and can help to increase the power of the saw. Porting can also help to reduce vibration and noise levels.

If you’re a chainsaw user, you’ve probably noticed that there are two different types of saws available: standard and ported. But what’s the difference between the two? A ported chainsaw is simply a saw with one or more exhaust ports that have been added to the body of the saw.

These ports allow exhaust gases to escape from the engine more efficiently, which results in increased power and performance. Porting also helps to reduce vibration, making the saw easier to control. Ported chainsaws typically cost a bit more than their standard counterparts, but they offer a significant increase in power and performance.

If you’re looking for the best possible Chainsaw experience, a ported model is definitely worth considering!

What is a Ported Chainsaw

Credit: opeforum.com

How Do You Port a Chainsaw?

If you’re a chainsaw user, chances are you’ll eventually need to know how to port one. Porting is the process of enlarging the exhaust and intake ports in order to increase the engine’s power. It’s a fairly simple process that anyone with basic mechanical skills can do.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to port a chainsaw: 1) Disassemble the chainsaw according to your manufacturer’s instructions. This will usually involve removing the spark plug, bar and chain, air filter, muffler, and carburetor.

2) Measure the existing ports using calipers or a micrometer. Write down these measurements so you’ll know how much material needs to be removed during step 4. 3) Use a die grinder with an abrasive wheel attachment to enlarge the ports.

Start slowly and carefully grind away small amounts of material at a time until you reach the desired size. Be sure not to oversize the ports; doing so will decrease performance instead of increasing it. 4) Reassemble the chainsaw and test it out!

You should notice an increase in power thanks to your newly ported engine.

What Does It Cost to Port a Chainsaw?

It can cost anywhere from $40 to $200+ to port a chainsaw. The main factor that will affect pricing is the size of the saw and how much work is needed to be done. Generally, the larger the saw, the more expensive it will be to port.

Additionally, if the saw needs extensive work (e.g. rebuilding carburetors, etc.), this will also add to the cost.

What is Woods Porting?

Woods porting is a process used to improve the performance of an internal combustion engine by increasing the air flow through the engine. The process involves enlarging the intake and exhaust ports in the cylinder head, as well as polishing the surfaces of these ports to reduce friction. Woods porting can also involve modifying the shape of the intake and exhaust valves to improve airflow.

What is a Bark Box on a Chainsaw?

If you’re a chainsaw user, chances are you’ve seen or heard of a bark box. But what exactly is a bark box? And how can it benefit you and your chainsaw?

A bark box is essentially a catcher for the wood chips and debris that is produced when using a chainsaw. It attaches to the saw’s guide bar and helps to contain the mess while you’re working. This can be especially helpful if you’re working in an area where you don’t want to make too much of a mess, or if you’re dealing with particularly wet or sticky wood.

There are different designs of bark boxes available on the market, but they all serve the same basic purpose: to help keep your work area clean and tidy while also protecting you from flying debris. Some models are even equipped with features like built-in lighting, so you can see what you’re doing even in low-light conditions. Overall, a bark box is a useful tool for anyone who uses a chainsaw regularly.

If you’re looking for ways to make your sawing projects easier and less messy, investing in one of these boxes is definitely worth considering.


Is Porting a Chainsaw Worth It

Chainsaws are a necessary tool for many homeowners and professionals alike. They come in handy for all sorts of tasks, from cutting down trees to trimming branches. But what if your chainsaw isn’t working as well as it used to?

Should you get it repaired or replaced, or would it be better to just buy a new one? There are a few things you should take into consideration before making your decision. First, how old is your chainsaw?

If it’s more than a few years old, parts may not be available for repair and replacement. Second, how much use does it get? If you only use your chainsaw occasionally, repairing it may be the best option.

However, if you use it frequently, buying a new one might be the way to go. Another thing to keep in mind is the cost of repairs versus the cost of buying a new chainsaw. In some cases, repairing an older model can end up costing more than buying a brand-new one.

So, before you make any decisions, do your research and figure out which option would be best for you and your wallet.

Chainsaw Porting Kit

Chainsaw porting kits are designed to improve the performance of your chainsaw. They can be used to increase the power, speed, and efficiency of your saw. By porting your chainsaw, you can make it more powerful and better able to handle tougher tasks.

There are several different types of chainsaw porting kits available on the market, so you’ll need to do some research to find the best one for your needs. When choosing a chainsaw porting kit, you’ll first want to consider what type of wood you’ll be cutting most often. If you cut a lot of softwoods like pine or fir, then you’ll want a kit that includes smaller ports.

These will allow more air into the engine, which will improve power and speed. If you cut mostly hardwoods like oak or maple, then you’ll want a kit with larger ports. These will allow more exhaust out of the engine, which will improve efficiency.

You’ll also want to consider the size of your saw when choosing a porting kit. If you have a small saw, then you won’t need as large of ports as someone who has a large saw. The right size ports will help ensure that your saw runs at peak performance without damaging the engine.

Once you’ve decided on the right type and size of ports for your needs, installing them is relatively easy. Most kits come with detailed instructions that walk you through the process step-by-step. In general, all you need to do is remove the old cylinder cover and gasket material from around the intake and exhaust ports using a utility knife or Dremel tool.

Next, clean up any debris or residue from inside the cylinder using brake cleaner or carburetor cleaner spray cans . Then simply follow the included instructions to install the new ported cylinder cover onto your saw using fresh gasket material .

Chainsaw Porting Tools

Chainsaw porting tools are designed to make it easier to port, or enlarge, the intake and exhaust ports on a chainsaw. The most common reason for porting a chainsaw is to increase its power. Porting can also be done to improve the saw’s fuel efficiency or reduce its weight.

There are a variety of different chainsaw porting tools available on the market, ranging from simple hand-held files to sophisticated computer-controlled machines. The type of tool you’ll need will depend on the size and shape of the ports you’re working with, as well as your own personal preferences. If you’re just starting out, it’s probably best to stick with a simple hand-held file.

These files can be purchased at most hardware stores and come in a variety of sizes and shapes. When using one of these files, it’s important to take care not to damage the surrounding metal or create too much dust. For more advanced porting jobs, you may want to consider investing in a computer-controlled machine.

These machines are generally more expensive than hand-held files, but they offer greater precision and control. Computer-controlled machines also typically have built-in safeguards that prevent damage to the surrounding metal.

Chainsaw Porting Service

Chainsaw porting is the process of enlarging and shaping the intake and exhaust ports of a chainsaw engine to increase its power. The ported saw will have more torque and horsepower than a standard saw. Porting also allows the engine to run cooler, which extends its life.

Most porting work is done on two-stroke engines, which are commonly used in chainsaws. Four-stroke engines can also be ported, but this is less common.Porting usually involves opening up the intake and exhaust ports, as well as polishing the combustion chamber. Enlarging the ports allows more air and fuel to enter the cylinder, which increases power.

Polishing the combustion chamber helps improve efficiency by reducing friction and allowing heat to escape more easily. Chainsaw porting can be done at home with basic tools, but it’s best to leave it to a professional if you’re not confident in your abilities. Porting will void your warranty, so keep that in mind before you make any modifications to your saw.


In conclusion, a ported chainsaw is a chainsaw that has been modified to include one or more exhaust ports. These modifications can improve the saw’s performance, but they can also make it more difficult to operate. When selecting a ported chainsaw, it is important to consider your needs and the saw’s capabilities carefully to ensure that you select the right model for your purposes.

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